Michael Jackson

Can you get 100% on this Michael Jackson lyrics quiz?

Christmas movies

QUIZ: Can you name these Christmas movies from just one scene?

Motown Album Covers - Blurred

QUIZ: Can you guess the Motown album title from the cover artwork?

Michael Jackson/Robbie Williams/Diana Ross

QUIZ: Can you match the right decade to these classic songs?

Christmas songs quiz

Answer these questions and we'll tell you what Christmas song to listen to first


QUIZ: Can you name these logos from the close-up image?


Quiz: How well do you know Elf the movie?

marvin gaye

We bet you can't get 100% in this Marvin Gaye lyrics quiz

Driving Test

QUIZ: Could you actually still pass your driving test?

Robert Downey / Tom Hanks / Johnny Depp

Quiz: Can you name the classic music videos by their celebrity cameos?

Drinks at the bar

Can we guess your favourite alcoholic drink?

Chocolate bar

Can you name the chocolate bars from their cross-section?

1980s albums

Can you name these 1980s album covers?