Olivia Newton-John's Grease jacket given back to her by £180k auction-winner
11 December 2019, 12:47 | Updated: 14 October 2020, 22:23
The iconic leather jacket worn by Olivia Newton-John in Grease has been handed back to the singer after being won at an auction earlier this year.
The man who bought it from her at auction for $243,200 (£185,000) decided to give it back to a "grateful" Olivia this week.
The Australian icon sold the black jacket and other possessions in November, with part of the proceeds going to her cancer research centre charity.
However, the anonymous buyer has now given it back, saying: "It should not sit in a billionaire's closet for country-club bragging rights."
The buyer was seen with his face blurred out in a video when he surprised Olivia with the jacket. Watch the emotional moment below:

Legendary Grease Jacket goes back to Olivia Newton John (December 10, 2019)
He said: "The odds of beating a recurring cancer using the newest emerging therapies is a thousandfold greater than someone appearing out of the blue, buying your most famous and cherished icon, and returning it to you."
Welling up, the 71-year-old hugged the man and said: "That is the most incredibly generous thing to do for me. I'm so grateful and I'm just blown away."
Olivia famously wore the jacket in the final scene of Grease, when she and John Travolta performed 'You're the One That I Want' and 'We Go Together'.
The actress is currently undergoing therapy for stage four breast cancer, which has returned for the third time.