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Early Breakfast with Gary King 4am - 6am
23 August 2018, 15:09 | Updated: 23 August 2018, 15:17
Cor blimey guv'nor!
Just one line of dialogue you can expect from people who very much aren't British trying to attempt a British accent.
Here are the very worst moments in cinema history which made every Briton sigh in disbelief...
A Comical Poem - Mary Poppins (Dick Van Dyke)
Let's get this one out of the way. An absolute classic, however you look at it.
This is the bad Cockney accent that all others are measured by. No matter how bad your London accent is, just don't go full Dick Van Dyke.
Rock Of Ages (Russel Brand Mic Check)
This one's made even worse considering that Russell is actually British.
But whoever gave him advice on how to do a Brummie accent needs coaching themselves!
Robin Hood (8/10) Movie CLIP - Power From the Ground Up (2010) HD
We're not sure what accent Russell is attempting in this epic Ridley Scott take on the Robin Hood tale.
Is it Nottingham? Is it Sheffield? Scottish? Cockney? You be the judge.
Best Acting Ever - Keanu Reeves in Dracula
Oh dear. We love Keanu, but this still makes us laugh out loud.
We're not sure who thought it was a good idea to cast the Californian favourite as the incredibly English Jonathan Harker, but there you go.
Ocean's 11- Power Bases
We know we said Dick Van Dyke was the worst Cockney ever, but we may have been wrong...
One Day - Video Clip #3 (I screwed up)
Here, Anne tries her best at perfecting a Yorkshire accent, with mixed results.
In fact, if you watch One Day, you can play a game that involves trying to place her accent, which appears to change in every single scene she appears in.
josh's british accent
You thought Anne Hathaway was bad at trying to do a Yorkshire accent? Think again.
Castle: The Geordie
Absolutely shocking.
All Geordies, look away now.