Elvis Presley wanted David Bowie to produce his album

The story of how David Bowie and Elvis Presley came *so* close to collaborating

David Bowie - Madame Tussauds waxwork

David Bowie gets new waxwork at Madame Tussauds to mark his 75th birthday – in pictures

Marvin Gaye / Ed Sheeran

7 times artists sued others for copying their music

David Bowie, Diana Ross, and Elton John have all had 'secret' guests perform on their hit singles. Do you know who?

10 iconic songs that secretly feature very famous backing singers

David Bowie questioned why MTV wouldn't play black artist's music as early as 1983.

When David Bowie called out MTV for not playing black artists during 1983 interview

David Bowie Glastonbury 2000

David Bowie back catalogue sells for 'hundreds of millions of dollars'

David Bowie prank called Annie Lennox on a live TV show in 2000

When mischievous David Bowie pranked Annie Lennox by calling live TV show to make song request

There's a new David Bowie film on the way.

New David Bowie film in the works, revealing never-before-seen footage

David Bowie and Iman in 2007

David Bowie's wife Iman says she'll never remarry after his death

Freddie Mercury and David Bowie both performing at Wembley Stadium for Live Aid in 1985.

The Story of... 'Under Pressure' by Queen & David Bowie

The 10 greatest and smoothest saxophone solos in pop music ever

The 10 greatest and smoothest sax solo songs in pop music ever

Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson and Gary Barlow

10 really bad songs by brilliant artists, from Michael Jackson to David Bowie

Michael Jackson could have appeared in Labyrinth

How Michael Jackson and Sting almost starred in Labyrinth instead of David Bowie

David Bowie in Labyrinth

A guide to David Bowie's underrated songs from Labyrinth

David Bowie wrote a funny and reflective letter to his good friend Gary Oldman (centre) to tell him of his cancer diagnosis just months before his death in 2016.

David Bowie's wicked dark humour revealed in last cancer battle letter to actor Gary Oldman

David Bowie's 20-year-old daughter Alexandria Zahra 'Lexi' Jones has paid tribute to her mum five years after the death of her father.

David Bowie's daughter Lexi shares poignant tribute to mum Iman five years after her father's death

Heath Ledger was the one to suggest David Bowie's 'Golden Years' in the famous dance scene from the 2001 hit movie 'A Knight's Tale'

David Bowie's 'Golden Years' dance in A Knight's Tale was suggested by Heath Ledger, director reveals

Yungblud and David Bowie

Yungblud debuts stunning ‘Life on Mars’ cover from David Bowie’s 74th birthday tribute